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FES Spring Fundraiser

This year we have selected a new fundraising program from Make It Sow, a Canadian Company. They supply high-quality garden and flower seeds that are proven species developed for Canadian...

Pyjama Drive for Emma P.

In the spirit of giving, FES Staff and Students will be participating in the Annual Emma P. Pyjama Drive this year. In 2015, sixteen-year-old, Emma Pearson tragically lost her life...

FES School Clothing

Once again, we are excited to be selling school clothing in time for the Christmas shopping season! Order forms were sent home with students on Monday, November 6th. All order...

Mitchell’s Soup Company Fundraiser

Florenceville Elementary School, in partnership with Dutch Co, is going to be selling Mitchell’s Soups to support the students and staff of FES both inside and outside the classroom. These...

Orange Shirt Day

On Friday, September 29th we are encouraging all FES staff and students to wear orange in recognition of the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. Since 2013, Orange Shirt Day...

Kindness Kickoff!!

We’re excited to kick off the new school year by talking about Kindness. Our definition of Kindness is acting with understanding, generosity, and care. We believe developing skills around Kindness...

How to Be a Healthy Learner

Here are some tricks and tips that research shows will help your child be a healthy learner. Because heathy students are better learners!

Meet The Teacher

This year’s Meet the Teacher event will take place Thursday, August 31st from 5:00 to 6:00 pm. There will also be a BBQ in the gazebo provided by the FES...