Florenceville Elementary School, in partnership with Dutch Co, is going to be selling Mitchell’s Soups to support the students and staff of FES both inside and outside the classroom. These school-raised funds are used to supplement technology, classroom consumables, cultural performances, field trips, as well as any school-based initiatives that enhance the positive learning environment of our school.
Mitchel’s Soup Company is an independent Family Business, and everything is hand-crafted in Canada. They offer a healthy alternative to mainstream fundraising programs.
• Each bag Makes 8-10 HEARTY servings (A serving being 2-2.5 cups).
• Very simple step-by-step instructions included on the back of the package (more or less just add meat and vegetables).
• Nothing is hot or spicy; even curry mixes are not hot; mild curries are used for flavouring. The soups are designed for you to season according to your taste buds.
• A complete description of French and English directions are posted on their website mitchellssoupco.ca
• All soups are NOT gluten-free.
– they all contain a small amount of flour in the spice blends.
• Vegan options:
– for example, Thai coconut Prawn is a vegan option. Prawn is just a suggestion there is no seafood in
the package, add whatever veggies you like.
– some soups have chicken or beef stock in the spices. That’s why everything isn’t considered vegan.
– no soups have seafood in them.
Soups are being soldfor $12.00 each or 3 for $30.00 and all orders must be prepaid. If you are paying by cheque, all cheques must be made payable to Florenceville Elementary School. Attached you will find an order form as well as a baggie to collect money/cheques. Additional order forms are available at the office. (Please remember that elementary students are not permitted to go door-to-door selling.)
We are asking families to support this very worthwhile event. At the end of the sales campaign – the top 3 sellers will receive a Swag Bag full of fun prizes. The top-selling class will receive a pizza party and the second-place class will receive an ice cream/frozen treat. If the school as a whole sells more than 450 packages of soup, everyone will enjoy an extended recess!